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How to source for research materials for project

The internet has played a significant role in the accessibility of information around the globe. The effect is also seen in the research world; ranging from taking lectures online, working and submitting assignment online to research project writing. Among all project topics from different departments; the education project topics tends to have more materials online than other project topics from other departments like accounting project topics and economics project topics.

One of the best ways to source materials online for your approved project topics is to type your research topic on search engines like,,,, etc at the end of your research project topic adds pdf then click enter. Let me illustrate with this example; for instance, I am a student with the topic effect of gender on academic performance in business education. I will go to for example and type:

Effect of gender on academic performance in business education pdf on google and click on search, you will so many journals as regards your project topics.

There are still some research platforms that could assist you to get access to thousands of project topics with good research materials and excellent data analysis. Websites like have done a lot for a lot of undergraduate project students in providing project topics with complete research materials from chapter 1-5 with excellent data analysis with outstanding software like SPSS, E-VIEWS, STATA, LISREL and PYTHON.

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